片名:舞出我人生3D 又名 舞力全开3D |Sexy Dance 3-D
主演:瑞奇·马兰博瑞 | 沙妮·文森 | 亚当·G·瑟瓦尼
导演: 朱浩伟 Jon Chu
[flash url=”http://down02.putclub.com/newupdate/vaonline/Life/putclub.com_SexyDance.flv”]
电影依旧讲述发生于纽约地下街舞圈的故事。一群年轻人,包括卢克(Rick Malambri)、娜塔莉(Sharni Vinson)以及纽约大学的新生莫斯(Adam G. Sevani)组成团队,为了高额奖金他们要和世界上最优秀的街舞舞者一决高下,而这次比赛也将永远改变他们的生活。
What is it that you love about dance?
Everything you need to know is in my dancing.
What you saw before is just a beginning.
Welcome to my house.
Live a house like supercrew.
Dancers work together, live together, battle together, it’s crazy, right?
This place is incredible.
Check this, it’s the biggest battle ever.
You’re up for little competition?
I never lose.
Some people learn to dance, others are born to.
People dance because dance can change things, one move can bring people together, one move can make you believe like you are something more, one move can set a whole generation free.
We should get to rehearsal.
Oh, hoho, that’s so sick!