
主演: 曼迪·摩尔 | 扎克瑞·莱维 | 唐纳·墨菲
导演: 内森·格里诺| 拜恩·霍华德

[flash url=”http://down02.putclub.com/newupdate/vaonline/Life/putclub.com_tangled.flv”]

剧情: 故事原型是格林童话,一位长发姑娘被巫婆诅咒,囚禁在森林的高塔中,惟有放下她的长发,人才能上到高塔,一次她认识了一位路过的王子,王子天天来与她相聚,不料被巫婆发现,于是巫婆剪了姑娘的长发,并害王子瞎了双眼,几经波折之后,这对爱侣才终于在异地相逢。


Wow I can gape you stole a view like this.
Guys, I want a castle.
I’m a guy with some simple dreams.
Are you guarding this?
But on this day, I was just looking for a place to escape. Then it hit me.
In this tower lived a girl who has been there for a very long time.
I’m prepared to offer you a deal.
Look this way.
I want to see the world, and not just from my window.
First I said: no can do.
Then I said: let down your hair.
I can’t believe I did this.
Who’s that?
They don’t like me. Let’s just assume for the moment that everyone in here doesn’t like me.
Is there anything else I should know about you?
I have magic hair. I have to be protected. From whom?
We want the girl with the magic hair.
I have got to get one of these.
I have waited my whole life for this day. What if it’s not everything I dreamed they would be?
Here they are.
You should know that this is the strangest thing I’ve ever done.
That’s a lot of hair.
This is kind of awful day for me. This doesn’t normally happen
Go, live your dream.
I will.
Your dream stinks. I was talking to her.
