英美同音 /prɪˈzaɪd/
[ verb I ]to be in charge of a formal meeting, ceremony, or trial
[不及物动词,常与at/over连用] 主持(会议、仪式或案件审理)
He presided at the rally. 他主持了这个集会。
It rubs to be presided over by such a man. 受这样的人管辖真是使人恼火
A panel of three women judges will preside over the trial. 一个由三位女法官组成的审判庭将开庭审理此案。
He presided at the trial of the Maguire Seven. 他主审马圭尔等七人案。
Who would be the best person to preside at/over the public enquiry? 谁来主持公众调查最合适呢?
Judge Langdale is to preside over the official enquiry into the case. 兰代尔法官将主持这个案子的正式调查。